Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What's the question?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

That's it. Christian no more. Call me a Humanist. Why does Christianity seem to be the enemy of life on earth? Must religion die for the planet to live?

I'm tired of the hate, tired of the rape of our environment, tired of the legislation of sectarian morality, tired of the self-righteous bigotry and prejudice--all at the service of a faith driven agenda. I'm tired of Christianity. I think Jesus wouldn't even recognize it if he were alive.
That's it! Christian no more! Call me a Humanist.

What 'Christians' have done in the name of Jesus is deplorable. Christianity is the enemy of life on earth. Must Christianity--must every religion--die for the planet to live?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dust in the wind

Life goes on . . . long after the thrill of living is gone.

Dust In The Wind

Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Heard on a radio broadcast this morning: "The Bible was written before the foundation of the world". More specifically, the speaker identified this eternal Bible as the King James Version.

That's the first time I've ever heard this, but it does confirm my suspicion that fundamentalists are guilty of bibliolatry. They worship it. This is just incredible! No wonder people scoff at Christianity--myself included.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Deus ex machina

The ultimate cop-out. Invoking an unprovable, metaphysical reality (God) to explain empirical realities is a desperate attempt to salvage and justify religious belief in an era when we have outgrown it. There is no such thing as--nor a need for--'Christian science'.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ugly Face of Theocracy

Republicans of the Christian right lament the loss of their religious liberties. Actually what they are lamenting is the slow demise of their power to control the rest of us with their religious bigotry and exclusivity. The Republican candidates this year are pandering to this vocal minority. Their desire to legislate morality for the non-vocal majority threatens to return us to the Dark Ages. Unfortunately, so many liberals fail to see the real danger here. From my own experience among fundamentalists, I know how insidious and malicious these folks can be. Far from harmless, these folks wish to control our lives, all the while promoting--hypocritically--less governmental interference.

These Republicans really do want to interfere, especially when it comes to issues of sexuality. Here they want absolute control over women. What is it with old white men that so fascinates them about a woman's uterus? I wonder.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Viva Chile!

Great time in Chile with new friends! It was great to be out of the United States and feel the refreshment of another culture and language. It was also a nice break from the stench of American exceptionalism.

Viva Chile!!!